Creative Home Financing Solutions
They say that there are all these ways you can save your home when you fall behind in your mortgage! Government and bank mortgage relief programs supposedly can help you pay your mortgage during difficult times. Alas, you live in the wrong zip code, have problems filling out the complex website forms, don’t have a high enough credit score or don’t make enough money!
There are many traps in getting an existing home refinanced starting with the fact its value my have skyrocketed, but now you are retired or unemployed! Who can you trust when it is your home? Darn near everyone that wants to help has an agenda that doesn’t motivate them to provide fast or affordable solutions!
Instead of getting the help you need, you give companies all the information they need to help themselves to your house!
Trust us to provide real solutions as fast as possible. Start by clicking the button below to call us immediately!
If you need to sell your Sacramento-rea house fast, start with the button below!
Our Promises To You
Sacramento is one of the most desired communities to own residential and investment property in! Sacramento, Placer, El Dorado, Nevada, Yolo, Sutter County all rank as highly-desirable places to live in the United States!
The demand for Sacramento real estate is incredible, but so are the scams! Trust Realistic Funding, LLC to look out for your best interests when it comes to buying, selling or creative financing for Sacramento real estate!
Transparent and honest communication!
We respect your privacy!
We won't sell your information to someone else!
Our offers are always straight-forward!
We buy and sell houses fast!
We pay cash for houses in any condition!
We will keep you informed
To Sell Or Buy Sacramento Real Estate Fast
Use our Contact Form anytime or call us at: 916-536-5328
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